Opera Proxy

Setting up Opera to use proxy servers

Proxy servers collect information from the Internet and store it locally until you view it. In order to work correctly, and in some cases to allow Internet access at all, proxy servers must be properly set up. This applies to all programs that use such servers.
Proxy server settings are found in Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Network (Mac: Opera > Preferences > Advanced > Network). Click the "Proxy servers" button to open the proxy settings dialog.

Adding proxy servers manually

Your service provider or network administrator should have provided you with the necessary server names and port numbers. If not, please contact the appropriate party and ask them for such information.
Tick the checkboxes for the protocols you want to use a proxy for and enter the proxy server hostname or IP address in the text field to the right of the protocol name (HTTP, HTTPS...). To the right of the protocols there is a box available for the port number.
[v] HTTP [ proxy.proxyexample.com ] Port [8080]
[v] HTTP [         ] Port [8080]
These are the supported proxy protocols:
  • HTTP: for HTTP servers (ordinary Web sites)
  • HTTPS: for secure documents (use only when behind a firewall)
  • FTP: for FTP files
  • Gopher: required if you want to access gopher servers
  • WAIS: required if you want to access WAIS servers

HTTP 1.1 for proxies

Because too many proxies break when using HTTP 1.1, Opera defaults to HTTP 1.0 for proxies. If your proxy can handle HTTP 1.1 requests, you can turn on this feature from the proxy settings.

Bypassing proxy servers

The "Do not use proxy on the addresses below" field can be used to specify which servers should be accessed directly, for example because they are so close that the proxy would be a bottleneck even if it had the document stored locally. Add one server or host per line, like this:
This tells Opera that the *.opera.no domain and the www.opera.com server should be accessed directly. As the example shows, wildcards can be used. You can also separate entries by using a comma or semicolon instead of putting each one on a separate line.

Automatic proxy configuration

The address (URL) to the automatic proxyconfiguration script should be entered in the "Use automatic proxy configuration" field.