proxy settings in Internet Explorer
This information applies to Windows Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8.
Proxy settings are used to tell Internet Explorer the network address of an intermediary server (known as a proxy server) that is used between the browser and the Internet on some networks. Changing proxy settings is something you usually only have to do if you are connecting to the Internet through a corporate network. By default, Internet Explorer automatically detects proxy settings. However, you might need to manually set a proxy with information supplied by your network administrator. Here's how:
To change proxy server settings
If you follow the steps to change proxy server settings and still find that the address you type for a new proxy server is not remembered, here are some things to check:
- If you are entering a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet address for the proxy server, be sure you are using slashes (/) rather than backslashes (\) when typing the address. For example, the correct way is to type http://servername, nothttp:\\servername.
In some corporate environments, network or proxy settings might be preset or turned off by the administrator.